ClarityMD Clinical Study Report

Posted By: System Administrator In: ARTICLES On: Friday, April 19, 2019 Comment: 0 Hit: 1074

Safety & Efficacy of twice-daily use of ClarityMD Acne Solution.
Assessed in a 6-week clinical study, ages 12 - 35, male & female.
Both inflammatory & non-inflammatory acne.
Up to 50% reduction in inflammatory acne.
*Also tested by LeCliniQ private group with remarkable result without leaving skin further inflamed or irritated with scarring*

ClarityMD™ Clinical Study

The safety and efficacy of twice-daily use of the ClarityMD Acne Solution (Deep Pore Cleanser and Clarifying Gel) was assessed in a 6-week open-label clinical study in 25 male and female volunteers, ages 12-35, having mild to moderate acne (pimple/ blemishes) vulgaris. Efficacy was measured as a function of mean change from baseline in number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne (pimple/ blemishes) lesions at weeks 1, 2, 4 and 6 as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Mean percent change from baseline in acne (pimple/ blemishes) lesions.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 4

Week 6



(± 31.38)


(± 20.68)


(± 16.23)


(± 4.092)


< 0.0001

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

Non - inflammatory


(± 35.74)


(± 28.53)


(± 25.29)


(± 28.77)



< 0.0001

< 0.0001

< 0.0001

Visual improvements in acne (pimple/ blemishes) were demonstrated using standardized digital photography using the Canfield Visia® CR photography system as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: (A) Inflammatory acne (pimple/ blemishes) lesions before and one week after twice-daily application of ClarityMD Acne (pimple/ blemishes) Solution. (B) Inflammatory acne (pimple/ blemishes) lesions before and six weeks after twice-daily application of ClarityMD Acne (pimple/ blemishes) Solution.

The tolerability of the ClarityMD™ Acne (pimple/ blemishes) Solution was assessed by a trained technician using a 4-point grading scale to measure the severity of erythema, dryness and edema in the facial skin of study volunteers, as shown in Figure 2, throughout the study.

Figure 2: Mean tolerability scores are graphed as a function of time.


The results of this clinical study indicate that twice-daily use of the ClarityMD™ Acne (pimple/ blemishes) Solution was well-tolerated by all study volunteers and that its onset of action is rapid, capable of producing over 50% reduction in inflammatory acne (pimple/ blemishes) lesions in as little as 7 days.

*Alternatively, you can email us at to find out what is suitable for your skin by sending your skin concerns*

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