Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation PIH

Posted By: System Administrator In: WELLBEING On: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Comment: 0 Hit: 1473
Although Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation occurs in whites, it is more common in darker pigmented individuals including African Americans or Asians.

About UVA and UVB (Sun Damage)

Posted By: System Administrator In: WELLBEING On: Monday, December 16, 2013 Comment: 0 Hit: 1374
There are currently 17 active ingredients approved by the FDA for use in sunscreens. These filters fall into two broad categories: chemical and physical. Most UV filters are chemical: They form a thin, protective film on the surface of the skin and absorb the UV radiation before it penetrates the skin. The physical sunscreens are insoluble particles that...

What is a Dermatologist Visit Like?

By System Administrator Dec 4, 2013 in WELLBEING Comment 0 Hit 1231
Learn about your skin and skin condition first. No one will care more about your skin than yourself so make sure you...

Microbeads in Facial Scrubs Massive Environmental Pollutant

By System Administrator Nov 28, 2013 in WELLBEING Comment 0 Hit 1184
Not surprisingly, cost is the main reason why cosmetics manufacturers resist making environmentally friendly changes...